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It was time for a change...

What if – Why a Renowned Hospital Embraced Tagpresto

Patient hospital

It was a mild summer evening in the Netherlands, and the management team of a prominent hospital sat in an elongated conference room. The room, with its expansive glass windows, gave a clear view of the setting sun. However, the team’s focus wasn’t on the picturesque view outside. They were engrossed in a challenge — improving patient feedback.

They recognized that their traditional feedback systems, though tried and true, were lacking. Response rates were dwindling, and the insights they were gleaning weren’t as accurate as they’d like. It was time for a change, and the solution came in an unexpected form – Tagpresto.

Journey to Innovation

They introduced an idea – What if the patient’s wristband, which previously just held identification details, could be more? With the integration of a QR code, each wristband transformed into a gateway for feedback. Ensuring that every patient’s wristband was embedded with a unique QR code that led to a feedback page meant the hospital had to use advanced stand alone label printing systems. These could efficiently print and handle the vast volume of wristbands, each bearing a unique QR code. Patients, post their visit or treatment, could now simply scan the code and be directed to a tailor-made feedback page for their specific visit.

Ensuring Privacy

Security concerns were paramount. And so, instead of embedding personal data directly, the QR code led to a unique link, generated based on a secure hash related to the patient’s data. This masterstroke ensured that feedback was not only easy but also confidential.

Fresh Recollections

To guarantee feedback was based on recent memories, the link was designed to be active only for a limited period post the patient’s visit.

The Outcome?

Months rolled by, and the once hesitant experiment had now become a cornerstone of their patient care approach. Feedback rates soared, and the rich insights received propelled the hospital into making impactful improvements. Patients lauded the new system for its simplicity, efficiency, and utmost respect for their privacy.

This journey with Tagpresto highlighted that with a sprinkle of innovation and the right tools, even long-standing processes could be reinvented, yielding results that resonate with everyone involved.

The story above is an illustrative customer scenario created to showcase how Tagpresto can assist businesses like this. While this story may not be based on a real scenario, it reflects the genuine benefits and solutions that Tagpresto offers.

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Desktop Printers
Smart Printing devices supporting C# apps.
Honeywell Intermec Models.
Always try Lite Edition before buying. QR code printing (premium editions) requires your printer model to support it.
Industrial Printers
Smart Printing devices supporting C# apps.
Honeywell Intermec Models.
Always try Lite Edition before buying. QR code printing (premium editions) requires your printer model to support it.